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Transportation of liquid cargo

One of the developing directions of Rhino Transport & Logistics Group is the transportation of liquid cargo, in particular, bitumen.

The vehicles fleet includes:

  • Bitumen tank truck, tank containers for chemical and food substances
  • Tank-trucks, tank containers, and Flexitanks for liquid cargo transportation
  • Trucks with ADR-permission (ADR)

If necessary, the company can obtain a special permit for dangerous goods trucking in CIS countries and in other Eastern European countries. We also have experience in transporting gas tanks.

All the company vehicles intended for the international transportation of liquid cargo comply with European environmental, sanitary and epidemiological standards (especially when it comes to the transportation of liquid food substances) and strictly complies with all the necessary safety rules during the transportation of such cargo categories. Besides, the transport equipment allows to maintain the desired temperature level to keep the liquid cargo safe to the maximum, be it cooling or heating depending on the cargo type.

In addition, appropriate types of tanks are used for different types of liquid cargo, the tanks are regularly treated and cleaned before any loading. Drivers who carry liquid cargo undergo special preparation and regular medical examinations.

Liquid cargo trucking with Rhino Transport & Logistics Group — is a fast, beneficial, reliable, and what is more important — safe service.