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Railway transportation

Railway transportation is a reliable and proven way to deliver any type of cargo. The wide transport network, moderate logistics’ cost, and the possibility of transporting large-sized cargoes make this method of transportation popular among all the enterprises using cargo delivery services. Railway communication allows you to deliver your goods to anywhere in the world, regardless of weather conditions and other Force Majeure, since railway transport is famous for its accuracy and punctuality. And what is more, such a delivery method is very economical.

Rhino Transport & Logistics Group provides a full range of services for goods railway transportation thanks to co-operation with leading railway forwarders. This allows the company to offer you competitive tariffs and ensure the shortest possible delivery time for your cargo.

Railway transportation services include:

  • Selection of optimal routes for transportation
  • Selection of a suitable rail car depending on the cargo features
  • Development and getting approvals for cargo loading plans
  • Execution of the necessary documents, railway consignment notes
  • Tamper-evident sealing of rail cars and reloading cargo from narrow gauge rail cars into wide gauge rail cars, from trucks to rail cars, and vice versa
  • Security of goods during transportation

Rail freight is the perfect option for those who appreciate accuracy and delivery speed, as well as the low costs of transportation. Development and regular innovations of railway infrastructure make this delivery method reliable and safe. In its turn, Rhino Transport & Logistics Group assumes all the responsibility for the safety of your cargo at each stage of delivery: starting from goods acceptance and loading and finishing with goods’ handing over to the consignee.